Tantrums. Yelling. Sibling Fights.
No One Listening. 

Seem Familiar?

If so, I know exactly how you feel because this was me and my family not too long ago.
(My family even had to eat at two separate tables for dinner because the sibling fights were so out of control.)

How would You like to finally have peace, ease and Cooperation?

Join me for group coaching

We'll replace all the 'craziness' with Connection Parenting - the only effective and sustainable way to have more cooperation in your home.

If you are like me, you've read all the parenting books and even completed all the courses in a parenting app, yet still, nothing shifted.

I did all that for over six years, until I FINALLY discovered "THE PARENTING INSTRUCTIONS," we've all wished for. 

Now, I offer the same program that saved me and my family.

Transformation begins April 29th.

April 29th - July 8th

12:00p- 1:00p


Registration ends April 22nd

Space is limited


The program is "first come, first serve" basis. Add your info and complete the Agreement and Payment first (on next page) to be selected first.

Yes! I'm ready for peace, ease, and cooperation in the home!!

"I discovered that there were TWO KEY PROBLEMS with everything else I tried."

Outdated parenting tactics like punishments, rewards and threats are all over the internet and in readily available expert books. 

These methods are ineffective long-term and are often the root-cause of the low self-esteem, anxiety and depression crisis's our world is facing.

The Transformational Parenting program guided me to replace rewards, punishments, and threats with a current, science-based education in Human Development and Psychology, derived from current, renowned world experts. Some of the topics include Emotional Intelligence, Non-Violent Communication and Boundaries and Values.

Some of the books I was reading were aligned with Connectiton Parenting, but I wasn't able to integrate the suggestions into my home.

Don't get me wrong, I'm smart and persistent and am lucky to have a super supportive partner, yet we still couldn't figure things out.

I discovered Parent Coaching which I never knew existed.

Through the provided portal, I was required to learn a new educational topic each month. I watched, read, wrote and then we spoke about it during group coaching.
The multiple methods and repetition helped with integration.

My coach was able to see things that I couldn't see due to my biases,
and I was able to make amazing changes in my home. My Coach was also able to help me break generations of habits and patterns, that I wasn't able to do on my own.

My mom-guilt is gone. Now I am able to parent with
clarity and kindness while setting firm boundaries for cooperation.​

The truth is generational patterns run deep and Connection Parenting can rarely be obtained without support for integration of current research. 

The ZenFam mission is to standardize that ALL PARENTS have access to this type of training.

Are you ready to be the leader you and your family need you to be?

Yes!! I am ready to lead with clarity and confidence and without mom-guilt!!


Week 1: Set Your Intentions
Align your actions with your vision

Week 2: The Pillars of Empowered Parenting & Parenting Styles
Understand your parenting style

Week 3: Attachment Science
Reflect on what was modeled for you and understand the human need for connection

Week 4: Nervous System Science
Manage child tantrums and your triggers 

Week 5: Mindsight and Brain Science
Discover why children don't listen the first time

Week 6: Emotional Intelligence
Handle big emotions to create resiliency and prevent addiction

Week 7: Empowered Conversations
Speak in a way that your child will listen and prevent low self-esteem, anxiety & depression

Week 8: Establish Boundaries & Values
Gain cooperation without commands

​Week 9: Playful Parenting and Your Transformation
Learn your child's play language and be the leader your family needs you to be

What's included:

  • Always have the most current parenting strategies: Lifetime access to the continually updated portal
  • ​Integration creates transformation: Nine weekly, one-hour, virtual group coaching sessions
  • Immediate practice: 1-inch workbook provided

Connection is what humans care about more than anything else.

This program is normally $1,897 and it is worth every penny again and again.

I am offering it today for the unbelievable low cost of $397.

Yes!! A deeper connection with my child, now and when they are grown, is worth an investment of my time and money.


Does this sound like you?

You yell at your kids every day, are constantly feeling guilty, but do not know how else to get them to listen.

You understand that time is of the essence. Kids are most impressionable before 7 years old and after 13 years old it is much more difficult to get them to follow your guidance.

You want to prevent your children from low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.

You're exhausted from no one listening to you.

You are desperate for peaceful dinnertimes and morning and bedtime routines.

Sibling fights are driving you crazy.

You are a normal, average family but have not had any parenting training.

You are tired of reading parenting books and taking online courses with nothing actually working to stop the yelling and power struggles.

You may be beginning to give up, wondering "maybe this is just how parenting is"

You imagined a deep, meaningful connection with your kids but have no idea how to get there.

You are ready to be the leader that you and your family need you to be

You believe you and your family are meant to THRIVE every day.

You're here to raise healthy, happy kids who confide in you now and when they are grown.

YES, this is perfect for me!!

Meet Your Host

Hi, I'm Jessica, a certified Parenting Coach & Yoga Teacher.
AKA 'Zen Mama.'

I don't believe in happenstance, which means you found me for a reason. 

Over 6 years I studied parenting to foster my vision of deeply connected relationships with my daughters, yet my house was full of power struggles, yelling, and parenting that felt awful.

Finally, I found a system that creates peace and cooperation, without sacrificing connection.

Find My ZenFam is a movement to standardize parenting training, just as training is required for every other job.

Now, I guide parents through the same system that saved my family. End your frustration and commit to finding the Zen you and your family deserve.

Your ZenFam awaits you!

Here's what others are saying

"Jess is the absolute core of why this has been a life changing experience. I feel heard. I feel understood.
I am able to get input and guidance on any and all questions that I have. Every time we close a session, I am a better person, thus a better mom."

-Courtney F.

"Jessica has the ability to make you feel at ease the moment you see her face. She is empathic, validating, non-judgmental and supportive in helping dig deeper and getting curious about what’s happening inside yourself. She has been truly instrumental in helping me break through internal barriers, assisting me in my transformation journey."

-Erin M.

"I had a happy childhood but looking back and seeing where I was having these biases that were then affecting how I parent…I can’t recommend the program enough. It is the best investment you will ever
make in yourself."

-Kavita G.

Be the Leader You and Your Family to Be. 

Yes!! I am ready for more peace and cooperation and I know nothing will change unless I do something different.

 2023 ZenFam Parenting & Yoga - All  Rights Reserved